721 Westminster Hwy
Westminster, SC 29693


The Boggs Team
Boggs' Piano Service began in 1986 when Ken Boggs, a dedicated employee of Pratt Read Company, purchased their equipment when the business moved to Mexico. Ken worked for Pratt Read 27 years, gaining all knowledge of the piano repair business
In 1994, Ken's son, Danny, joined Boggs' Piano Service as a rebuilding technician. Together, they have over 40 years experience and some of the most unique equipment and parts in the business.
Boggs' Piano Service specializes in complete piano rebuilding, action rebuilding, and key covering. No job is too big or too small.

Bogg's Piano service has grown from just under 30 customers in 1986 to over 300 nationwide and is dedicated to providing the customer service you expect and deserve. With a 24-hour answering service your calls can be taken day or night.

©2004 Boggs Piano Service