721 Westminster Hwy
Westminster, SC 29693



At Bogg's Piano Service, restoration of pianos is our speciality. Every day, pianos are being brought back to life. Pianos that have lost their original tone and finish can be brought back sounding and looking much finer then when they were first built. When the superb quality of the older cabinetry is combined with the finer felts, strings, and leathers that are available in today's technology, it produces the best of both worlds.

We use all our skills to restore the structural soundness, musical grandeur and the timeless beauty of these irreplaceable works of art. When finished, these investment quality pianos, enhanced by modern technical skills, represent the best of the past and complement the present.

The restoration process includes the creation and replacement of the original soundboard and pinblock by using the finest materials and the most exacting standards.

Call us today and let us show you the past in all its glory and how it can translate unequalled musical performance with sterling investment value into your treasure for the future.


©2004 Boggs Piano Service